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Super Meat Boy Forever
Developer: Headup
os: Android Ios
size: 1.8 GB
updated: Apr 20, 2023


Welcome to the exciting world of Super Meat Boy Forever! In this platformer game, you will play as Meat Boy or Bandage Girl, as they set out on a mission to rescue their child, Nugget, who has been kidnapped by the evil Dr. Fetus.

The game features a story mode with over 7000 levels, each one more challenging than the last. You will face a variety of obstacles including buzz saws, spikes, and other hazards, as you run, jump, and dash your way through each level. As you progress through the game, you will unlock new abilities and power-ups to help you overcome the toughest challenges.

In addition to the story mode, Super Meat Boy Forever also offers a randomly generated endless mode, where you can test your skills and compete against others for high scores. There is also a two-player mode, where you can team up with a friend and take on the game together.

The game features a vibrant and colorful art style, with a soundtrack that perfectly complements the action on-screen. The controls are tight and responsive, ensuring that every jump and dash feels satisfying.

The game's difficulty is designed to challenge even the most seasoned platforming veterans, but it also offers accessibility options for those who need them. You can adjust the game's speed, toggle invincibility, and even enable an assist mode that slows down the action and reduces the difficulty.

Overall, Super Meat Boy Forever is a must-play game for fans of challenging platformers. With its addictive gameplay, charming characters, and massive amount of content, you are sure to have hours of fun with this game. So, jump into the action and help Meat Boy and Bandage Girl rescue their child from the clutches of Dr. Fetus!



How To Play

To successfully beat Super Meat Boy Forever, you'll need a combination of patience, skill, and strategy. This platformer game is designed to be challenging, but with the right approach, you can overcome each obstacle and complete every level.

One of the most important things to remember when playing Super Meat Boy Forever is to take your time. Rushing through levels can often lead to mistakes and unnecessary deaths. Instead, take a breath, assess the situation, and plan your moves carefully.

Another key strategy is to master the game's controls. You'll need to be able to run, jump, and dash with precision in order to navigate the complex levels. Practice these moves in the early levels of the game and gradually build up your skills as you progress.

Use your abilities wisely. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl have a range of abilities that can help them overcome obstacles. For example, Meat Boy can slide and bounce off walls, while Bandage Girl can double-jump and hover in the air. Be sure to use these abilities strategically to get past particularly difficult sections.

Pay attention to your surroundings. Each level in Super Meat Boy Forever is different, and you'll need to adapt your approach based on the obstacles you face. Keep an eye out for traps, hazards, and other obstacles, and plan your moves accordingly.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Super Meat Boy Forever offers a lot of variety in terms of level design, so don't be afraid to try out different strategies to see what works best. If one approach isn't working, try something new.

Finally, be persistent. The difficulty level of Super Meat Boy Forever can be discouraging, but don't give up. Keep practicing, stay focused on your goals, and celebrate each small victory along the way. With enough patience and skill, you can overcome every challenge this game throws your way.

By following these strategies, you'll be able to blast through Super Meat Boy Forever and save Nugget from the clutches of Dr. Fetus. Good luck, and happy gaming!


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