Home > Casual > Minecraft


Developer: Mojang
os: Android Ios
size: Varies with device
updated: February 15, 2022


Do you want to create a world through your own efforts? In this virtual world you are the creator, play as much as you want to create.

Minecraft is a sandbox creation game, popular all over the world, developed by Mojang, is the world's first sandbox game. The game has a high degree of freedom, is a game with unlimited creative possibilities, to create the world you want. The game graphics are not popular at the moment, but it has a unique style, it is a world with a combination of cubes, using the cubes to bring a world to life in front of us, which is certainly full of surprises.

The game uses 3D first-person vision, but its picture quality and graphics effects are not high, and there is no plot, but rather focus on the playability of the game. Players in the game can create at will, the naked eye can see the items created are composed of a variety of cubes. Players in the game does not need skills and no play, easily create houses, castles, and even a city. With some imagination, players can also build pyramids, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and other amazing buildings in the world can be achieved. Your world is yours to create and get ready for an adventure with endless possibilities. You can enjoy building, destroying, fighting with creatures, and exploring the ever-changing natural landscape of Minecraft. Superb gameplay is waiting for you to experience. Build amazing buildings, the same God-like beautiful artwork.

The game can not only be entertaining single player, but also in online mode for enjoyable multiplayer, explore with your friends, some creation, and enjoy the endless fun of the game together. the world of Minecraft will be more colorful with your participation.



How To Play

Minecraft first enter the single player game, choose to create a new world, customize your name. Choose the mode you want to challenge, there are three modes creation mode, survival mode, extreme mode, if you are a new player, it is recommended to choose survival mode, you can first familiarize yourself with the game process, click to create it.

The game provides three modes for players to choose from.

Creation mode: Here you have unlimited resources, use your imagination to create everything to your heart's content. This allows players to focus on creating their own world.

Survival mode: Build and craft various tools to keep yourself alive. You can resurrect after death and beware of the monsters inside.

Extreme mode: belongs to the difficult level inside, which has many unknown dangers and only one life.

Minecraft in the game world, the player will be in a field where there is nothing, the player's first task is to collect resources and make good use of them to create. My world is a survival game, where survival is important. Find places where there are trees, so that it is conducive to the development of the latter, at first cutting trees is no tools players can manually cut, with the collected wood used to make tools to survive, such as drafts, axes and so on. With these tools to build houses will be much easier to create a house for themselves, so that a shelter is available to achieve the purpose of survival. Be careful of the animals that appear inside, because it may attack and you can make weapons to protect yourself. In the game you will have hunger, there are some animals can be hunted and made into food, players can eat these foods to replenish their strength.


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