Home > Casual > MONOPOLY GO!


Developer: Scopely
os: Android Ios
size: 237.5 MB
updated: Apr 19, 2023


MONOPOLY GO! is an exciting board game that challenges you to make strategic business decisions while buying and selling properties across the board. The objective of the game is to become the wealthiest player by acquiring the most valuable properties and dominating the board with your investments.

At the start of the game, you will be given a set amount of money which you can use to buy properties, houses, and hotels on the board. You will also encounter other players who will try to outsmart you and drive up the prices of the properties you desire. You must carefully consider your options and make smart decisions to stay ahead of the competition.

As you progress through the game, you will collect rent from your properties and use the money to invest in more properties or improve your existing ones. You can also collect other bonuses such as CHANCE and COMMUNITY CHEST cards, which can either give you a huge windfall or make you pay a penalty.

One of the unique features of MONOPOLY GO! is the inclusion of mini-games that can further enhance your gameplay experience. You can participate in mini-games such as GO! Roll, where you roll the dice to move forward on the board, or GO! Trade, where you negotiate deals with other players to buy or sell properties.

The game is designed to test your business acumen and strategic thinking skills. You must balance your cash flow, investments, and risk to come out on top. You will also need to negotiate with other players and use your intelligence to strike deals that are favorable to you.

In conclusion, MONOPOLY GO! is a thrilling board game that provides hours of entertainment and challenges you to think critically. With its engaging gameplay mechanics, mini-games, and cleverly designed board, this game is a must-try for anyone who loves to strategize and seek new opportunities to grow their fortune.



How To Play

If you are looking to master the MONOPOLY GO! game, here are some strategies that can help you dominate the board and emerge as the wealthiest player.

Firstly, it is important to focus on acquiring properties that are strategically positioned on the board. Properties that are located close to the GO square or are part of a block can generate high rental income and increase in value over time. As such, it is advisable to purchase these properties as soon as possible and invest in the development of houses and hotels to increase their value.

Secondly, you must keep a close eye on the cash flow and ensure that you have enough liquidity to invest in properties when opportunities arise. In this regard, it is important to balance your investments and expenses wisely to ensure that you don't run out of cash in the midst of the game. Keep a record of your receipts and expenses and make sure that you have enough money to buy or trade properties with other players.

Lastly, it is essential to negotiate deals with other players and leverage your intelligence to get the best possible deal. Use your knowledge of the game and the other players' weaknesses to strike deals that are favorable to you. You can also try to form alliances with other players, but beware of backstabbing and betrayal that can cost you dearly.

By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of winning the MONOPOLY GO! game and emerge as the top tycoon on the board. Remember to stay focused, be strategic, and remain patient in your quest for success. Good luck!


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