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Coffee Stack
Developer: Rollic Games
os: Android Ios
size: 117M
updated: May 11, 2022


Coffee Stack is a casual game for everyone, and when you see the name of this game, I am sure you already have an answer in your mind. Yes, this is a coffee themed game in which you will learn how to make a cup of coffee and serve it to your customers. But what you must not expect is that this is a racing game and unlike most drink making games, you need to collect the ingredients for coffee and make the perfect coffee on the runway of Coffee Stack.

It's like opening a coffee shop, you'll experience every step of coffee making, from extracting the liquid, to packaging, to garnishing, every step of the production will be done by you. The process is fun, but equally challenging. Because you must have perfect control to move left and right on the runway, otherwise you won't collect enough ingredients to make more coffee, and you won't get the final reward.

A cup of cappuccino or a latte? It's all up to you. Collect paper cups on the runway to complete the entire coffee making, the more coffee you make, the more customers you can serve and the more revenue you can get from them. If you want to become a good barista, you need to use more earnings to upgrade your production line. And an upgraded line will open up a new world for you!

This is your runway, it's time to start your show. Coffee Stack is simple, but addictive. Experience the fun of making coffee in the light game sound effects and reap the benefits of your own minimalist game drawing style!



How To Play

Coffee Stack is a very easy to control game with the aim of making coffee, you need to complete each step of making coffee on the runway. At the beginning of the game, you will start by collecting paper cups and control the direction of movement by swiping left and right. Observe the runway in front of you and control the hand on the screen to move to the location where the target is located to complete the collection. For each paper cup or other item collected, the value of that cup of coffee will go up.

The hand in the screen is automatically moving forward, you only need to control the left and right movement, as well as at the right time to avoid obstacles. After collecting the paper cups, you have to start collecting the coffee liquid, and when you control the paper cups through the coffee machine, the coffee liquid will be smoothly filled in the paper cups. Of course this process can not be smooth, sometimes your paper cups for some reason or empty. At this time you can use some of the organs on the road to discard the empty paper cups.

In addition to collecting paper cups and filling them with coffee liquid, you will also go through multiple steps of outer packaging as well as decoration. Only the most perfect coffee will be welcomed by customers and will help you gain more revenue. The finished coffee will be served to customers at the last moment, and the amount of coffee will directly affect your final score.

When you earn enough revenue, you can upgrade your production line. Upgrade your coffee in terms of packaging and ingredients to win more customers' love and create more brilliant results. But the greater the capacity, the greater the challenge you will face, the coffee making steps will become more tedious, but also more test your reaction speed, the slightest mistake, you will lose the opportunity to make coffee. This is a challenge, but also a chance to prove yourself, start making your coffee now!


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